There are over 50 million Americans suffering from pain in the United States. This equates to about 20% of the adult population. The perception of pain is subjective and the perceived levels of pain is different for each individual. Since there is no clear way to objectively identify an individual’s level of pain, we must accept the individual’s described tolerance and accept it as face value to determine a baseline.
Here are two types of pain to consider. Acute or Chronic?
Let’s determine how to classify if your pain is acute or chronic?
One type of pain can be classified as acute pain, which can last for a short period due to injury, surgery, illness, trauma, or a painful medical procedure. This type of pain usually lasts for a short period and can be resolved once the underlying cause has been treated or has healed. Here are a few ways to classify acute pain.
The most common signs and symptoms of acute pain include:
- Sharp pain.
- Throbbing.
- Burning.
- Stabbing pain.
- Tingling.
- Weakness.
- Numbness.
The other type of pain is called chronic pain. Chronic pain is classified as a pain that lasts for over three months and is ongoing, despite medication or treatment. This type of pain can be constant or intermittent and appear anywhere in the body. The pain can start out as acute pain and transition into a chronic pain that interferes with your activities of daily living, ability to work, interfere with your ability to take care of others and put a strain on your social life. Dealing with this over time can lead to depression, anxiety, insomnia and progressively making the pain worse. This vicious cycle can become very hard to break.
Chronic pain is linked to conditions that include:
- Headache.
- Arthritis.
- Cancer.
- Nerve pain.
- Back pain.
- Fibromyalgia.
Here are a few ways chronic pain can present itself and limit life.
- Tense muscles.
- Limited ability to move around.
- A lack of energy.
- Changes in appetite.
- Fear of re-injury. This fear could limit your ability to return to work or leisure activities.
Over time, chronic pain can take a toll on individuals physically, mentally and emotionally. The most effective approach to deal with chronic pain is a combination of medications, therapies and lifestyle changes. It is always recommended to work with your medical provider to create a plan to best treat your specific conditions.
How can Smoking CBD Hemp Flower Help?
CBD, also known as cannabidiol is one of the active cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, is another compound found in the cannabis plant and it is its main psychoactive component. CBD has been included in numerous studies and smoking CBD is the most natural method of consuming the flower. Studies have also indicated smoking CBD has helped in alleviating body pain and lessening the effects of inflammation. Inhaling high CBD strain flowers can enter into the body through the lungs and absorb into the bloodstream very quickly, which is very promising for individuals with nagging chronic pain. The effects of the CBD hemp flower can be felt within minutes of starting a session. If your personal health allows, consider adding CBD to your personal health regimen.